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Posted by: Kiamera

Forum registration is currently down, Merodi and I are working on getting it fixed, should be up soon. will keep you posted. EDIT: Registration should be fixed now, please let us know if there is any issues.

Posted by: Kiamera News Topic: Guild News
Posted on: Sunday October 07, 2012 - 01:04:34 -- Australian Eastern Standard Time --

New Site Online.
Posted by: Merodi

Our new website is online. The site still has a little work to be done, but will soon be fully complete. Please remember to register. Also the Teamspeak Server has been moved to this domain: nsbguild.com

Posted by: Merodi News Topic: Guild News
Posted on: Tuesday June 09, 2009 - 19:56:14 -- Australian Eastern Standard Time --

Posted by: Kiamera

Teamspeak is now only for NBS guildies, and friends.

Posted by: Kiamera News Topic: Some serious changes
Posted on: Monday March 02, 2009 - 22:13:39 -- Australian Eastern Standard Time --

Guild Website
Posted by: Kiamera

The guild website is getting moved.. preposed site is.. "www.nbsguild.com" It is a must that people sign-up!!

Posted by: Kiamera News Topic: Some serious changes
Posted on: Monday March 02, 2009 - 22:12:44 -- Australian Eastern Standard Time --

Rank Changes
Posted by: Kiamera

Due to a lack of Active helpful players all ranks have been changed and everyone demoted.. To get promotion/s *You must be an active player.. thus anyone Absent over 3 months without notice will be removed. *You must be an active member of the guild this means participating and contributing to the guild.. i.e. Joining guild runs/raid, Depositing to the guild bank, being a member of the guild website, and using guild chat. More to follow.

Posted by: Kiamera News Topic: Some serious changes
Posted on: Monday March 02, 2009 - 22:11:31 -- Australian Eastern Standard Time --

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